on Reenroe Beach: late for a cleanup
of blinding blue rope, blaze-orange nurdle;
mauve pebbles, sprawl-stunned and ravaged
beneath dusk’s grim-reaping firmament, greyed.
a couple in tryst tandem carry a gentle giant
like a shoulder-to-shorter-shoulder lifeline
as if their nesting comforts depended on it.
dwarfed by the decay-decimated immensity
yet unburdened by its wooden splendour’s weight,
they manoeuvre the oak might into the grip
of their four-wheeler trunk, wide-open;
then swaddle it like a wanted firstborn
silent wide-eyed waiting for the woollen journey back
to the heaving hearth of home, reclaimed
by lit ingleside. life in two quietly drifts by
kindling companions in the shrink and swell of
putting out fires, watching embers die out,
tide turning till washed-up ash do them part.
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